Windward slope

美 [ˈwɪndwərd sloʊp]英 [ˈwɪndwəd sləʊp]
  • 网络迎风坡
Windward slopeWindward slope
  1. Response of Morphology and Deposits to Surface Flow on Windward Slope of Barchan Dune


  2. When the horizontal airflow skips over the mountain , vertical airflow will rise at windward slope and drop at leeward slope .


  3. A Preliminary Study on Variation in Wind Velocity and Sediment Transport Rate on Windward Slope of Barchan Dune


  4. Grain size analysis also indicates that grain size characteristics are mainly influenced by intensity of erosion or deposition and morphology of windward slope .


  5. The result shows that the roughness of experimental plot is 6.17 cm , which is higher than clear sand land in windward slope with 5.37 cm ;


  6. The hail fall of the hail cloud which domain of the initial potential temperature perturbation is located in lee slope is 6 times as large as in windward slope .


  7. The coarse particle size composition at the bottom of windward slope was determined by that the fine sand was carried away by the wind erosion and only coarse component was left .


  8. And , small orographic highs and enhanced rainfall caused by climbing airflow on the windward slope of main mountains of these islands are a result of effects of Zhoushan Islands .


  9. Heavy rainfall occurred in the warm area , and maximum rainfall lay in the windward slope where the width of raindrop size distribution was broadened and sometimes it was bimodal spectrum .


  10. Thus , the distribution of rainfall can be affected through the jet introducing by topographic forcing . In addition , rainfall is almost distributed in mountain area , and performs the precipitation in the windward slope .


  11. In case of uni-form slope inclination , the precipitation on windward slope increases at first and then decreases in general , there appears a maximum precipitation height ( hM ) and the drier the climate , the greater the hM will be .


  12. The variety number increased by one grade and density increased by 15 % ; the species abundance index increased by 228 % and the evenness index increased by 22.8 % . In the middle part of windward slope of sand dunes , the community height increased by 453.7 % ;


  13. So this theoretical model was considered practicable and dependable . 2 . The simulation result of correction factor for aspect could finely describe topographic characteristics of windward slopes and leeward slope .


  14. Micro-topography is the main factor in determining the spatial variability of soil moisture of the surface and subsurface at leeward slope and subsurface at windward , but the influence of environment factors such as wind conditions would be visible in surface of windward slope .
